A Good Marketing Technique That Really Works

Have you ever noticed how you are drawn to some people more than to others? When you look at it closely, the reason is often because they are people who are interested in you and not just wanting to use you, or only interested in themselves. They are also the kind of people who react to situations with praise instead of harsh words.

Helping Someone Succeed

That is certainly true with Internet marketers. People are drawn to those who care about the needs of others. In fact, showing a concern for others is a good marketing technique that really works.

By saying that showing concern for others is a good marketing technique I am not implying that the concern should be faked. That would be hypocritical. In fact, the more real the concern, the more successful the marketing efforts of that individual will be. Let me tell a brief story to illustrate.

The Good Guys

I belong to a couple of Internet marketing forums where I have to pay a monthly fee to belong. Do I resent that? No, I pay it gladly. Why? Because the two people who owns the forums understand other Internet marketers. They understand the problems we face and literally work hard to help us solve those problems. They recognize that their sites and their members, which I am sure provide them with a nice income, have to be their main focus.

Happy, Like

By that I mean that they are not out trying to sell a lot of products on other sites. They are both very professional and treat their businesses like professionals. As a result, I know that they personally care about me and my success. I know they make money off me – but then so does my doctor and my dentist, and they also want me to be healthy and well.

Because these marketers show the same concern as these other professionals, I know the information they give me is not tainted because they stand to make a buck off some product they want to sell me. This is good marketing. They are providing information and I am willing to pay for it. There is no slight of hand and no smoke and mirrors.

The Bad Guys

Compare that to another marketer that I recently became involved with. I bought something from him and his partner, so was joined their lists. Immediately they both started sending me two to three emails every day – each one trying to sell me a different product that they personally endorsed. Now there is no way they were using all these products, and it was obvious no one needed them all. It became clear to me my interests were not their interests and I quickly unsubscribed from their lists.


Will I buy something that someone recommends to me? Sure I will. But usually only if I know the person recommending it really believes it will help me. And if I don’t know them, I do a lot of research before I buy. Of course, that’s not to say that you won’t slip up sometimes, as I did with those partners.

How many Internet marketers truly care about your success? You will find that some do, and some don’t. Don’t be taken in by the ones that don’t really care about you, other than for your money.

Be One Of The Good Guys

If you remember that you must first care about the people who read your blog posts and visit your websites – and if you give them information they need and want – then you will have developed good marketing techniques that really work.

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